Who is Anthony Bourdain?

Explore Anthony Bourdain’s Favorite Food: Top Dishes from a Culinary Legend

Explore the iconic dishes that defined Anthony Bourdain’s culinary adventures. Dive into the flavors and stories behind his favorite meals from around the world, including the iconic Bún Chả from Vietnam and more. Perfect for food lovers and travelers alike!


Known for his adventurous spirit and unfiltered storytelling, Anthony Bourdain left an indelible mark on the world through his insatiable passion for food exploration. Bourdain’s journey encompassed a rich tapestry of flavors, aromas, and cultures. Explore the vibrant landscape of his favorite foods, each revealing a story resonating deeply with this beloved figure.

Who is Anthony Bourdain?

Anthony Bourdain was a charismatic chef, writer, and television personality, who was known for his adventurous spirit and culinary explorations.

Throughout his famous shows such as “No Reservations” and “Parts Unknown”, he showcased diverse cuisines and stories from throughout the world, bringing people together through his passion for food, culture, and travel. With his authentic approach and captivating storytelling, Bourdain has become an enduring figure in the food and travel industry, inspiring countless people to embrace new experiences and savor the richness of different cultures.

Who is Anthony Bourdain?
Who is Anthony Bourdain?

Anthony Bourdain’s Favorite Food

Bún Chả holds a special place as Anthony Bourdain’s most beloved dish. This Vietnamese delight, consisting of grilled pork served with rice vermicelli noodles and fresh herbs, captured Bourdain’s heart with its vibrant flavors and cultural significance. Bourdain’s passion for Bún Chả was evident in his travels to Vietnam, where he savored this dish as a symbol of culinary excellence and communal dining. Its simplicity yet profound taste made it his ultimate favorite, showcasing his deep appreciation for authentic street food experiences that transcend borders and cultures.

Anthony Bourdain’s favourite meals from around the world

Anthony Bourdain was a celebrated chef and storyteller who captivated audiences around the world with his profound love and understanding of global cuisines. His adventures, vividly chronicled on television and in books, introduced us to a plethora of culinary delights, each infused with culture and tradition. Among these gastronomic treasures were several dishes that Bourdain held in high regard, making them favorites that epitomized his pursuit of authentic flavors and memorable eating experiences. Here’s a look at some of Anthony Bourdain’s favorite meals from across the globe:

Antipasti in Rome, Italy

In the heart of Italy, Bourdain found himself enamored with the antipasti at Osteria dal 1931. This assortment of bite-sized appetizers including olives, anchovies, artichoke hearts, cured meats, and pepperoncini captured the essence of Italian dining. The quality and authenticity of these simple dishes left a lasting impression on Bourdain, highlighting his appreciation for well-crafted, traditional foods.

Blood Sausage in Budapest, Hungary

Far from the ordinary, the blood sausage in Budapest was a standout for Bourdain. At Belvárosi Disznótoros, he encountered a version of this dish that transcended the common perceptions of black pudding. Its rich flavor and refined preparation showcased the unique culinary techniques of Hungary, earning its place as a top pick for Bourdain.

Anthony Bourdain's Favorite Food
Anthony Bourdain’s Favorite Food

Cioppino in San Francisco, California, USA

Back in the United States, Bourdain cherished the cioppino from Tadich Grill in San Francisco. This seafood stew, brimming with halibut, mussels, clams, and shrimp, represents a comforting taste of home. It reflects the bountiful, fresh seafood available on the San Francisco coast and emphasizes Bourdain’s love for dishes that speak to local traditions and ingredients.

Feijoada in São Paulo, Brazil

In Brazil, the traditional stew of feijoada caught Bourdain’s palate. Served at Feijoada da Lana, this hearty dish combines beans, beef, and pork in a comforting blend that Bourdain described as having been “elevated into something that everybody loves.” This dish is a staple of Brazilian cuisine and is revered for its deep, rich flavors and satisfying nature.

Francesinha in Porto, Portugal

In Portugal, Bourdain was particularly taken with the Francesinha, a sinfully indulgent sandwich found at O Afonso in Porto. This meaty creation, layered with steak, ham, sausage, covered in cheese, and drenched in a beer-based sauce, is a testament to Bourdain’s love for rich and hearty foods.

Anthony Bourdain's Favorite Food
Anthony Bourdain’s Favorite Food

Sautéed Prawns in Hong Kong

The dynamic culinary landscape of Hong Kong delivered another favorite: sautéed prawns at Happy Paradise. The combination of pumpkin seeds, shrimp roe, and egg noodles in this dish exemplifies the innovative and flavor-packed cuisine that Bourdain admired in Hong Kong.

Seared Wild Mushrooms and Foie Gras in San Sebastián, Spain

In San Sebastián, a city renowned for its culinary excellence, Bourdain savored the seared wild mushrooms and foie gras at Ganbara. This dish, complete with a raw egg yolk, captures the essence of luxurious ingredients simply prepared to highlight their natural flavors.

Trotters in Paris, France

The classic French preparation of trotters (pig’s feet) at Le Papillon in Paris also made Bourdain’s list of culinary highlights. This dish, with its rich flavors and textural complexity, exemplifies the French capacity to transform humble ingredients into haute cuisine.

Bún Chả in Vietnam

Finally, Bourdain’s love for Vietnam was profound, with bún chả being a particular favorite. This dish of noodles and grilled pork embodies the vibrant, fresh flavors of Vietnamese cuisine, which Bourdain famously adored for its boldness and authenticity.

Anthony Bourdain's Favorite Food
Anthony Bourdain’s Favorite Food

Through these dishes, Anthony Bourdain not only explored the vast world of culinary arts but also shared with us the intimate connection between food, culture, and personal experience. Each meal was a chapter in his lifelong journey of culinary discovery, reminding us of the power of food to unite and inspire.

Early Gastronomic Influences

Childhood Memories

As a child, Anthony Bourdain’s journey into gastronomy began with the warmth of family meals. He grew up surrounded by the comforting aromas of Sunday roasts and meatloaf. Instilling in Bourdain a love for hearty, home-cooked meals was the result of these humble yet flavorful dishes, which formed the basis of his culinary palette.

First Professional Encounters

He was exposed to the refined elegance of French cuisine as he transitioned from an amateur to a professional in the culinary world. While in culinary school, he learned the art of French cooking, gaining an understanding of the finesse and sophistication of classic dishes like coq au vin. As a result of these experiences, he developed a passion for culinary exploration and laid the foundation for his culinary career.

Anthony Bourdain's Favorite Food
Anthony Bourdain’s Favorite Food


What was Anthony Bourdain’s go-to comfort food?

Whenever Bourdain talks about his ultimate comfort food, he refers to roast pork belly. Known for its crisp exterior and succulent meat, roast pork belly was Bourdain’s ultimate comfort food.

Did Anthony Bourdain have a favorite seafood?

In his native country, Bourdain loved seafood, especially lobster and oysters, for its unadorned freshness and simple taste.

Was pasta significant in Anthony Bourdain’s culinary preferences?

There is no doubt that Bourdain had a special place in his heart for pasta. He acknowledged its simplicity and versatility, favoring spaghetti aglio e olio and penne arrabbiata.

How did Anthony Bourdain view street food from different cultures?

Bourdain believed that street food was an essential part of a travel experience, and its authenticity and flavor enamored him; he believed it was a gateway to understanding cultures.

Did Anthony Bourdain prefer classic or innovative dishes?

While he appreciated the finesse of classic French cuisine, Bourdain was also drawn to innovative dishes that showcased a unique blend of flavors and techniques.

What culinary influence did Anthony Bourdain credit as most impactful?

Bourdain often spoke of French cuisine’s influence on his personal culinary journey, which in turn influenced his palate and approach to food in many ways.


Anthony Bourdain’s gastronomic journey was not only about food; it was a celebration of cultures, traditions, and human connections. His favorite foods were more than just dishes; they served as gateways to understanding the world. His adventurous spirit and profound appreciation of diverse cuisines left an enduring legacy, reminding us that every meal has a story.

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